I have only partially failed my childhood self

Sometimes I have to sit back and think of how I haven’t completely disappointed myself. As a younger kid, I had many ideas about what my teenage life would be like. I accomplished like, none of those goals. Yet, also, at the same time I have accomplished them. Just, in a different way.


goal number one: go to parties

Now, I have never been to an average teenage party. Yes, i’ve been invited to them. I’m just too lazy and too tired to stay up that late. It’s not worth it. However, I have reached full party status by playing bingo with a few classmates. To enhance my partying ability, I, alongside my birthday twin, ate an entire cake. no plates. just us and our silverware going crazy at midnight. Hows that for a party?


goal two, have a fun day without any parental supervision

I don’t even live with my parents, so I guess I kind of have to do this. A few weeks back I was with a friend and I said “y’know, this was one of my goals. ride with a friend and sing songs at full blast.” Young me would be disappointed to know we were singing  a three hour playlist of TikTok songs. The Scooby Doo theme song. Hit or Miss. You name it, we sang it. We also ate flowers later that day. Yeah, that’s the teenage dream! well, I enjoy it- i guess it doesn’t have to be everyone’s dream.

goal three, be famous and popular

this has not happened. I’m not the kind of person that would win homecoming, prom queen, whatever it is. However, I’ve got great friends and we mutually support each other. that’s all anyone can really ask for. I’ve heard my writing style is enjoyable at coffee house- I really appreciate hearing that too. I also seem to be a go-to for alterations and wig restorations. That’s good with me, since, i really love doing that stuff!

I may not ever be famous, but heck yeah i’ll make the outfits for the people that are.

What about you guys? have you accomplished any of your childhood goals? If so, what are they? I’d love to hear all about them! Maybe I set my hopes a little too high. But hey, we all seem to be doing pretty good in life. We made it to this school after all.

Author: Kerri Bland

Is it natural to wonder how people hear your electronic voice? We all have our own interpretations of literature, and what the narrators voice sounds like. To be of influence, i'd love for my electronic voice to be compared to that of a gremlin. When you read my posts, read them in the most gremlin-like voice possible. The kind of gremlin that lives under a bridge of a dried up lake, steals everything, and has a nice stash of marshmallows to roast at the earliest convenience. Do what you want with this information :)

One thought on “I have only partially failed my childhood self”

  1. Our childhood selves I’ve noticed have very high hopes for the future. I thought I’d be married to Louis Tomlinson by now :((((((

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