I REALLY want to eat fast food RIGHT NOW

As a person who writes their blogs during fifth block, I find myself thinking of one reoccuring topic. Food. Food is described as something one can physically touch, and use to get rid of hunger. Food is literal, rather than metaphorical.

I want fast food RIGHT NOW. As I am writing this, I am imagining the crisp shell of a chicken nugget, and the unhealthy amount of salt on a french fry. My hunger has never been more intense, except for like, every other day of the week.


10. I want some MCDONALDS

Mcdonalds is known for their awesome fries. I love fries. I want to eat them NOW. other than fries, their burgers are really good, especially without bread. I don’t like any sandwiches that have bread on them. The McChicken nuggets are another favorite of mine.


9. I dont mind having SONIC

I want fries NOW. I will take fries from Sonic. Sonic is a drive-in restaraunt that has nice ice cream. Their food is good, but usually not what you ordered. They have wonderful cheese fries. I want fries.

8. fries from WENDYS?

Wendy’s is similar to mcdonalds, especially in the sense that they have fries. you know what I’m really craving? FRIES.


They might serve fries?

6. I actually got fries, I’m pretty content. I think I wrote this like last week, so theres no point in continuing on the locations from which I wish to eat fries. They were from Sonic, and they were pretty good. some stories really do have a happy ending. This is one of those stories. I’ve had many disappointments in my life. However, this was not a disappointment. This was a triumph. My life has really taken a turn for the better….

If I could describe my feeling, it would be happiness. I have a feeling of being happy. My salt intake is quite high right now. Maybe salt makes me happy? Most foods i eat make me happy. Food is very nice. Being happy is very nice. Lots of things in this world make me happy. Some things make me sad. Fries make me happy. Never has a fry made me sad.

Author: Kerri Bland

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One thought on “I REALLY want to eat fast food RIGHT NOW”

  1. Anything from Sonic (especially tater tots) sounds good right now. I’m writing this from fifth block currently, can you tell?

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