Running on Empty

I have a terrible habit of starting things and not finishing things. I’ve stated that in the second to last post, given. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I have little to no motivation and when I do have little motivation, I let things go. Like very quickly. I feel as if the work isn’t the best or that I won’t really get far with it. It’s not that I don’t want to work on things, though. Believe me, my work is typically what I’m most proud of, despite my doubts. I just don’t know how to keep my mind steady on one thing or subject or whatever it may be. I genuinely miss being able to keep my flow and whatnot whenever I wrote or drew something. Ideas would bounce around in my head and it was so great. Now, though, I have such a hard time focusing directly on what I’m working on. I feel like I’m running on empty when I’m doing assignments and I refuse to just do the bare minimum, especially when it’s my discipline work. Turning in mediocre work makes me irritated with myself because I know I can do a lot better than what I’d turned in. I love being happy with what I do. When my motivation started to deplete, I told myself I either do the best that I can, or nothing at all. Nothing mediocre. At the time, I didn’t realize how dumb I sounded but after a couple hours of brainstorming and planning, I realized that I did, in fact, sound crazy. I want to find something that motivates me again and helps me bring back that flowing thought process. I have no clue how to, though, and it actually bothers me. But, I’ll figure it out, of course, and soon I’ll be spewing words fluidly on a page again with no hesitation!

Author: Imani Skipwith

I would love to insert something long-winded and fancy but life's too short for that.

2 thoughts on “Running on Empty”

  1. I believe in you! I feel like we all get in a rut with our writing sometimes, but that’s okay. You’ll find your flow!

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