Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

So, first off, I’m gonna say a spoiler warning. If you don’t care about spoilers, then go ahead and continue reading. But if you care a lot about spoilers and stuff about the book, click out of this, read the book, and then come back. I’ll wait.

Okay, so, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is this really awesome book. It’s basically a psychological, dystopian future, action book. If you love psychological books, action books, or dystopian books, you will love this. If you love all three genres, you will absolutely lose your mind over this novel. It’s about a fireman in the future, but their job is not to put out fires, it’s to start them. In this society that is established, books are hated and banned by basically the government. Apparently, it’s because books can make people feel bad about themselves and they can also cause controversial issues and start wars, so the government is trying to be careful and take no chances, so they decide to get rid of all books.

The main character, Montag, is one of the firefighters and he thinks it is a good and normal job to have. He does not think anything about it for a while. Then, all of a sudden this girl pops up and tells him that firefighters used to be good people and stopped fires rather than start them. Montag’s mind was blown by this, and he was trying to wrap his head around that idea that maybe the firefighters in his time aren’t really helping anything.

Later, a woman has some books and it is reported. So, Montag goes to the house and he does what he was supposed to do. He burned the house down with the books in them. But, the woman would not leave because she would rather have her books than live. Montag ‘s entire world was changed from this point on. He didn’t know why someone was so dedicated to books, and also mainly because he killed her. He decided to take a break from work, but he had been taking a little bit of books home with him, trying to know why people care about them so much.

Montag’s wife is kind of not caring at all to Montag. she cared more about escaping reality by doing interactive TV than caring about Montag and how he feels during that hard time. Later on, Montag makes a deal with this smart dude that likes books that they can make prints of these books. After some time, Montag goes to his house and his wife and her friends are there. He does what any normal person would do and whips out poetry and recites it to these women, even though it was illegal, he didn’t care. He was then reported by his wife. She left and the firemen came to his house. He was forced to burn his house down and all the books, but the captain was gonna arrest him too. So, Montag kills the captain and a mechanical hound. He then escapes from the helicopters and new hound looking for him. He then finds these refugees that love books too and they plan to make a new world that likes books and intellectual things after the war was over. To end the book, atomic bombs were dropped and Montag and the boys make their new civilization.

This book is such an awesome experience. Reading it is so much fun, because the whole time, there is a lot of humor and interesting things that happen that keep you on the edge of your seat. It’s such a unique story, I’ve never read anything even similar to it. I recommend this story so much. My only problem with this novel is that it can be a little tough to read and also the ending is really uneventful and not good. The worst thing is when a book is so good and then the end never rewards you with something huge, this book did exactly that. There was nothing incredibly shocking or anything that was a good and satisfying closure to this book. Other than that, I do recommend.

Author: Bradley Ducote

I believe that my writing style is special. Recently, I was a born again Christian. After that, I began to have a whole new perspective on writing. I still have my other writing style, which focuses on the strange and random, but now I have a whole new perspective, which is in the eyes of someone who is completely changed and recognizes the good in every situation and has experienced firsthand how incredible God is. I am excited to be able to bring both perspectives together and share my point of view from both sides.