Our hearts occasionally give themselves away while we walk from class to class, from room to room, and sometimes we do not see it, but we hand out little pieces of ourselves for others to see. This is what I have garnered from all of your personalities. I will include a color I that I think represents your personality and a song that describes you to me. If I’m absolutely incorrect, tell me in the responses.
Zoe – The sweet, yet bold one. Ready to stand up to any authority at any time. Most likely has owned a goldfish more than once in her life. Most likely named every goldfish she’d ever owned something pure like Steve or Martha Mae. 16. Birthday in…. Winter? Zoe’s favorite color is probably orange or yellow, two colors that suit her personality, in my opinion. If I had find a song that would represent Zoe it would be Golden Dandelions by Barnes Courtney
Janey– Janey is very daring and wild within the boundaries of the limits she know she has. I think that her favorite month is in autumn, that she is interested by a sort of “Skater Aesthetic” and she would probably be “Most likely To Write Zombie Fanfiction” on Wattpad. The color I picked out for Janey is a dark earth green, the color of a forest in the morning. A song that I think of Janey when I hear it is Straightjacket Quinn XCII
Timera – Timera is a peculiar sort of person, in the way that she is incredibly underrated and overlooked at times, usually when she is the most exciting person in the room. I feel like people tend to not notice her at first because of her shy exterior, but when you become her friend you’ve got her for life?(Not sure but she seems really loyal and honest.) I really feel like her personality is a dark purple, and her song I picked is Trees by Twenty One Pilots.
Mallori – Mallori is very calming to me- she reminds me of the edge of the ocean in the morning, if that makes any sense. I feel like a sea foam green represents her personality. She is very into faith and strongly holds beliefs, but is not afraid to stand up for someone if she truly feels she needs to help them. Mallori is quirky and exciting, very original. A song I picked for her would be Northern Downpour by PATD!
Mar – Mar is completely different than everyone on this list. She is outside of herself sometimes just because she knows herself so well, and I am intrigued by this. Her tone is confident and sometimes stubborn, but she is always kind to others and tries to walk in other peoples shoes. Mar’s personality really hits me as a bright red, but I might be wrong on this one. I really just can’t figure her out, if I’m going to be honest, which is why I appreciate her so much. My song for Mar is We Can’t Win by AZ.
Tyler– Tyler, Tyler, Tyler. What can I say? Tyler is very open, I mean, I feel like she’s easy to read. That’s meant to sound like a compliment. She’s not fake. Tyler would probably win my award for “Worst Bad Jokes”. Tyler is like a mom to the literary group, I think. I believe Tyler’s color is best represented as a green/ blue mix. I don’t know, Tyler. Honestly I can’t get a grip on what your personality color is. But hey, here’s a song I thought you would like-Saved by Khalid
Taylor– Taylor is rad, Taylor is chill, Taylor is probably burgundy as a color. She is not afraid to tell you who she is, she is not shy when she needs to be brave. Taylor is independent and creative and reminds me of Branch off of Trolls, the movie. She is sarcastically dark, and I love it, just like I love that I have no clue what her natural hair color is. Here’s a song Taylor, I am not sure if you’ll like or not. Artic Monkeys, Crying Lightning
madison– madison is eccentric and only uses under case letters, so i will too. madison reminds me of a big tumblr post of a person, and I mean that in a good way. she plays ukulele, which is intensely cool ,and she wins for best speaking skills. madison’s color will be lavender, and her song will be secret for the mad, dodie clark
Claire– Claire is the purest form of human I’ve met so far. She reminds me of powdered doughnuts, if powdered doughnuts could be people. She’s super nice and real, And her writing is really honest. Claire is unusual and quirky, and I just love her so much. Claire is definitely pink, like sunset/ cotton candy/ retro adorable pink. I think Claire is into all music, so I’m just going to wing this one. James Bay, If You Ever Want To Be In Love
Sidney- Sidney is a gigantic, awkward, quiet and confusing dork. Sid has many personality traits that don’t necessarily mash up to me, but they work so well together for her. For example, she likes animals and the nineties, and also jean jackets with pictures of salsa on the back, and she is not afraid to speak her mind, as long as it is at a whisper. Sid’s color is Kelly green.I think Sid might like this song, The Fugees, Killing Me Softly
Jackson– Jackson is a big weirdo, which is great. He is spastic and quiet and happy and sad all at once. There’s not much I can say about Jackson besides the fact that h is definitely a banana. Jackson’s color from me is blue , straight up the first blue that comes to your head, or maybe a slate gray. Here’s a song, Jackson. I Want To Break Free, Queen
Charlotte– Charlotte is whatever Charlotte wants to be, whenever Charlotte wants to be. She is spunky and likes to read books about badass women with swords, and she is my best friend because I still can’t wrap my head around how stupid she is sometimes. Charlotte is the color of the sky when it rains in the morning, the clouds on a full moon, the ocean after a sunset. It’s not “navy”. I don’t know how to explain it. /here’s her song- Settle Down, The 1975
Zoe- Primus, My Name Is Mud, Scarecrow, Counting Crows, R.E.M, Orange Crush
Janey- Naïve, The Kooks Silence, Khalid, Magnets, Disclosure ft. Lorde, Daddy Issues, The Neighborhood
Timera- Ruby, Twenty One Pilots, RIP To My Youth, The Neighborhood, Fluorescent Adolescent, Artic Monkeys
Mallori- Habits of My Heart, Jaymes Young, , Counting Crows, Butterfly in Reverse , Madi Davis, Songbird
Mar- Formation, Beyoncé, Paralyzed, NF , Macklemore, Drug Dealer
Tyler- American Teen, Khalid, I Fall Apart, Post Malone, I Needed You, Blackbear
Taylor-Acid Ghost, Overthinking, Kaiser Chiefs, Every Day I Love You Less And Less, Na Na Na, My Chemical Romance
Madison- , Neutral Milk Hotel, King Of Carrots Flowers Pt. 1, Gorgeous Bully, I Can See, American Poetry Club, How I Felt About Most Things
Claire– Wet, Don’t Wanna Be Your Girl, Hazy, Counting Crows
Charlotte- Moon Tides, 1966, Fever Blanket, Daydream, Kaiser Chiefs, Ruby
Sidney- Yellow Days, A Little While , Chelsea, Counting Crows, Coming Home, Leon Bridges
Jackson- Counting Crows, Einstein on The Beach , Piano Man, Billy Joel
What Difference Does It Make, The Smiths
I really, really, really, realllyyyyy enjoyed reading this and taking note of the songs and colors that you gave everyone. i feel like you really put your whole heart in this post simply because i know it took you over a week to complete it. Wonderful.
I love this for obvious reasons, mainly because since you wrote about us, you really included us. I love how you described everyone, and the idea for this blog was absolutely brilliant. You never stop amazing me.