Dreaming ON

Hey dreamers!  >.< I wanted to remind you to breathe.  2020 is coming to an end, and I know everyone is gonna be talking bout it. I’ll just go ahead and do it too though. 

Here we are. Hang in there. Easier said than done. I just wanted to share a story that might give you some hope, and give you some light reading.

I also have a video if that’s more your thing. 😉

It’s about a teen LGBTQIA+ boy who struggles with the isolation this pandemic has brought on, but he reignites life through his memories. I hope it encourages you to do the same if you need to, or keep your spark lit. Thank you.


young teen, full of dreams, was trapped within the confines of solitude while writing in his journalHe grasped for fragments within the files of memory for bliss and lost sisterhood. A sisterhood, not of traveling pants, but a sisterhood forming a Haus. That’s right. A Haus.  

July 28,2020 

You see, a Haus is more than friends. It is a group compiled of soulmates who are bound to link back together time after time within every lifetime and alternate reality. To be in a Haus, is to be with a family of linked spirits.  

While together, anything is possible. Reality becomes parallel to clay, in which it may be molded and manipulated with the ease of a swipe. Each member embodies their fantasies and walks flawlessly. Snatching crowns across the board, while bringing the ouu-ahh sensation. No one is safe from the power and awe demonstrated and encapsulated from a Haus mother strutting with her legendary children in formation. This momentum even shifts the tectonic platescausing new maxes on the Richter scale. The trade winds strengthen and regulate to their stride. Cities may burn in their path leaving nothing but ashsoot, and remnants of those who attempted to cross the Haus. They even 

He chuckled, segueing into a rolling laughter. He was consumed with joy upon reimagining his vivid depictions of previous memories. Life didn’t have to stop just because a pandemic started.  

The pen next to his open journal was anxiously calling to him, yearning to be in action again. He beckoned to the call and picked it up, feeling the cool metal against his fingers. Chika! Chicka! Toying with the top, the clicking sound of the pen asserted what had been written in the past, and what still could be. Life never stopped, only his imagination had. Chicka! The tip of the pen had emerged, and the boy’s face shifted into a smile. He turned his body to look back at his loved, Buster.  

“Buster guess what?” Buster lifted his head from his paws and while turning his head slightly, perked his ears up at the boy, “There is a writer in the house again.” 

For the next couple of hours, only the sound of pen on paper could be heard. A dreamer was in touch with themselves. Life continued, and he would be okay.

Thank you for letting me share an experience with you. I hope all is well on your end, I really do. ♥ 

Now for the video promised! I am excited to share a video called Life Goes On. It was directed and visualized by none other than BTS! They also do the vocals.       ( I’m not sure if that was made clear…) 

It is all about life in the pandemic and finding the light. Please watch with English subtitles if you need to, so you can really revel and understand the meaning. 

AHHHHH! I just looked up and saw Jin front and center looking at me…I’ll try and control myself for the outro though. 

Thank you for reading and/or watching the video. I hope it helped you in someway no matter how small. Please carry on the best you can. Be wild, be free, and have fun ♥


Hey gals. >.< I’m back. 

This month is NaNoWriMo which loosely translates to National Novel Writing Month. I did not know this was a thing until a couple weeks ago, and so far I’m not still not sure if I wanted to.

It has definitely been a challenge to say the least. To me, the most rigorous part is finding the willpower, the passion, the drive, if you will, to want to write towards your word count. When one day you may not meet it, it just makes you feel the inferior gloom that there are pros doing it times 100% that you’re giving. It is humiliating!

I do have to keep in mind one word I used however. Pro. There is a reason they have the title of pro and I do not. It still hurts tho… 🙁

Well, if I’m being honest and 100% with you, and I take pride in saying I almost always am here, 

I’m behind. There I said it. Teach, if you’re reading this and I know you’ll have to, I just radded myself out. Like there was a solid week maybe that I did not even get CLOSE to my word counts so now I’m behind a good….thousand. >o<

I know, I know. Put me in the medieval locks and have the village laugh and point at me. At least give me my phone while I’m in shambles though because I found a stupidly obvious solution to my problem. 

My phone! Every single time I would try and write it would be my phone that distracted me away from making my writer’s wet dream of finishing my word count come true. So what did I do that made me find hope? Well there I was on a long car ride, and the buzzing conversations had died out by this point. So, I started writing on my phone instead of my laptop.

That seems blatantly obvious to do, but I never thought of it. Not only can I type faster on my phone, so I can crunch more words in before my attention span runs out, but also I am no longer having my phone be the distraction because I’m already on it. Genius!

I went and type type typed and met my word count of the day in only like 15-20 minutes? Then, I realized. If I wrote just another, how much farther could I get? Is all hope not lost and buried so deep down into the Mariana Trench? 

Well, let me put on my scuba gear and find out cause this month still ain’t over kiddos! I feel empowered and ready to take on this challenge and actually enjoy NaNoWriMo. No longer, NaNoHellNo. 

Keep dreaming, be free, be happy. ♥