Success in Failure

There seems to be this notion about the idea of “failure”. That there is this unsaid fact that failure is lost of opportunity or lack of talent. However, that could not any further from the truth. Failure is simply being unsuccessful at a certain objective and it is part of the process to success. It is needed to get you where you need to be at whatever you want to do. I remember an instructor of mine once said to me, “If one does not fail, one does not grow”.

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So, what if you didn’t get the job you wanted? Or you didn’t get into the program you wanted to get into? Or your piece was not received as well as you hoped it would? Don’t dare let anything like that be an excuse for giving up. Giving up is just a cop out because you’re not just afraid of failure but you’re scared of struggle. But if that’s the case, you weren’t going to make it very far anyway. Because your passion for your dreams has to be stronger than your fear of struggling.

Because the truth is: you’re going to probably fail over and over until you finally succeed. But just like many people before you, you will get through it. You just have to want it. Imagine if all the greats, all the people we idolize in the world gave up on their dreams as soon as they faced adversity. Michael Jordan was cut from his basketball team when he was in high school. Now he is regarded as the best player to ever play basketball.

Do not get anxious about your journey into success. The truth is: success comes in waves. One day you’re at the top of the world; other days, it seems like you’re barely making it. That’s ok. Don’t judge your accomplishments based on tiny steps; your journey is what makes it worth while. It is something that continues until your last days. Just breathe, and keep working. Keep pushing yourself to be better than the person you were a day ago.

Because truth be told: as long as you’re progressing, you’re always succeeding.   You’re not stagnant which is even worse than failure. Because that means you can not grow. So, don’t judge yourself based on trivial, superficial matters such as trophies, money, and popularity. True success relies within the fact of how you changed the world around you and affecting the people in the world, and you do that just by being yourself. So you are already succeeding.

So, never stop pushing yourself. Chase your dreams without care. Better yourself every day and I promise you will succeed. I believe in you.